Sunday 16 November 2014

Breathe, Refocus and Go!

The last few days have been filled with exam stress, something that I always find overwhelming very difficult to deal with. Yesterday was a combination of maths, tears and way too many giant chocolate buttons, which didn't help the overall downer I’d been in all week (not the chocolate buttons, they never make things worse!).

Then one of my best friends text me asking if I wanted to go for a late night drive. Never one to turn down an opportunity of adventure, tears of laughter and memories that spontaneous nights always bring, I was on board. This led to us sat in a field with blankets and enough food for an army, not particularly classy or adventurous I know but that's not the point, I had a great night!  

I can honestly say I don’t remember the last time I had such a good evening, and it just added to the overall feeling of thankfulness that I have such amazing friends. We’re definitely a quirky bunch that can be overly dramatic and difficult to handle but that’s what I love so much! The whole thing made me wake up this morning with a smile on my face, ready to face the week ahead with renewed confidence and energy. Come at me mocks, I dare you. 

So the moral of this little whirlwind of a post is that if something is dragging you down and no matter how hard you're trying you just don't seem to be getting there, take a little break. A couple of minutes, an hour or a night off will help you refocus things and you'll feel a lot better for it, a lesson I need to start practicing and not just preaching.

Until next time, 

Elise x

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